Migrating Souls of Wisdom – Summer 2020

“Migrating Souls of Wisdom,” tells a colorful story about the monarch butterfly migration, pays homage to the wind as a major pollinator, and demonstrates the importance of generational wisdom. The Monarch butterfly migration route is one of the grandest on planet earth, which happens to pass through New Mexico. Monarchs use the tailwind to fly faster during their migration and it can take up to 4 generations of butterflies to complete their journey across North America.

Knowledge of navigating the journey is passed down through their DNA and we have connected that idea to the knowledge we as people, gain from our generations before us. In the mosaic, we pressed names of indigenous nations into clay that the butterflies travel through, as well as names of loved ones from past generations of the apprentices and lead artists.

This gesture is to honor the fact that we are on indigenous land and to remember that knowledge is passed down through generations. It is not only important to look to the future but also to look to the past and respect the balance of past, present, and future.

Gaa’logii, Buu’ri’kaa, Povolhoya, Mariposa

Generations of knowledge flow through my veins

Spreading its beauty with the world

I go where I please, and I please as I go

I am not alone

Not even the wind can stop me

We are not alone

Our color is power 

We go where we please, and we please as we go

We are the smile of nature

We dance together to the rhythm of the earth

Sent from my passed loved ones

Spreading its beauty with the world

I will fly on throughout everything

Apprentice Artists

Jilleen Salazar

Atom Vigil

Jacquelyn Yepa

Lead Apprentices

Jaqueline De La Cruz

Tori Lucero

Lead Artists

Cassandra Reid

Lead Artists

Vanessa Alvarado

Margarita Paz-Pedro

We would like to give a special thanks to:


ALMA Board Members

La Academia de Esperanza Charter High School

Abe Urbina

ABQ Convention Center Staff

ABQ Public Art Staff

ABQ Public Arts Board

New Mexico Clay

Tile Letter Magazine

And to all of our family and friends for supporting artists in a world where we are undervalued… Thank you!