Giver of Water, Essence of Life Summer 2015
The female figure is a guardian of water, an element which is vital to our New Mexico landscape, agriculture traditions, and life itself. The olla she holds is painted with a design based on pre-historic Tularosa patterns. She is metaphorically the source of water, creating the Rio Grande to her right and the Bosque pond to her left. A great blue heron wades next to her, surrounded by Johnson grass and regional spring flowers. The water pouring from the olla includes native fish such as rainbow trout, brown trout, catfish, silvery minnow, and widemouth bass. Embedded in the fields of the background are patterns made by pressing blossoms, seeds, and harvested crops into wet clay. The acequias span the valleys like veins, bringing the life-giving water into our lands. In the distance is the Albuquerque skyline, with the Sandia Mountains in the background. This mural is meant to honor water and our connection to this life-giving resource.
Apprentice Artists
Fatai Anderson
Helen Atkins
Adriana Barela
Jordyn Bernicke
Larissa Chavez
Isabella del Frate
McKenzie Jones
Tori Lucero
Shundiin Nakai
Jorge Perez
Tiffany Torres
Alexandra Trujillo
Lead Apprentices
Will Geusz
James Long
Staci Drangmeister
Lead Artists
Vanessa Alvarado
Margarita Paz-Pedro
Cassandra Reid
We would like to give a special thanks to:
Mayor Richard Berry
New Mexico Clay
La Academia de Esperanza
This Project Was Funded By
New Mexico Youth Conservation Corps
City of Albuquerque Public Art Program
Heart Gallery of New Mexico Foundation
Program Administrator:
Harwood Art Center